Modern Languages

Spanish Beginners Level Two

All CategoriesModern Languages

Course synopsis

This course is a continuation of last year's beginners’ course.  We will build on the language gained during that year, gaining confidence and developing skills in understanding, speaking, reading and writing Spanish.  It’s a practical course, using language in simple everyday situations. Learners of a similar level are more than welcome to join - Liz is happy to discuss this beforehand and can be contacted via the Guild : . 

Through learning the language we will also learn about the culture, customs and history of Spain. We aim for a friendly and relaxed atmosphere and hopefully we will have some fun along the way. 

Coursebook : Pasos 1 (4th edition) and accompanying Activity book. 

Book your place

Spring 2024/2025
Wednesdays, 13:00 - 15:00
Summer 2024/2025
Wednesdays, 13:00 - 15:00