Dance and Fitness

Line Dancing For Beginners

All CategoriesDance and Fitness

Course synopsis

Suitable for beginners with little experience.

Fun line dances, easy routines, great music! No partner needed. It's great exercise for the mind and body. Dance instructor Patricia is well known world-wide for her choreography and tuition and has won many awards.

Autumn 2024/25 season classes begin Friday 13th September for 11 weeks in duration

Book your place

Autumn 2024/2025
Fridays, 11:15 - 12:15
Spring 2024/2025
Fridays, 11:15 - 12:15
Summer 2024/2025
Fridays, 11:15 - 12:15

About the teacher

Pat Stott

I have been a dance teacher for 48 years this year and 23 of those years as a choreographer and teacher of line dancing.

Linedancer magazine runs an...

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