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Climates Of The World And Their Ecosystems 2025

The course will investigate the reasons why certain climates are located where they are, will look at global atmospheric circulation patterns, climatic graphs, and seasonal temperature and rainfall patterns. Analysis will be made of the associated vegetation types and structures, as well as the operation of the resulting biomes and...


The course will investigate the reasons why certain climates are located where they are, will look at global atmospheric circulation patterns, climatic graphs, and seasonal temperature and rainfall patterns. Analysis will be made of the associated vegetation types and structures, as well as the operation of the resulting biomes and ecosystems for selected climatic zones.Week 1 the general atmospheric circulation:The...


Find Your Happiness And Thrive In 2025

Want To Break Free from Negative Thought Patterns, Stop Worrying and Learn to think more positively?  Then this course is for you!You will learn some new strategies and practices which will lead you to a happier more fulfilling life. You will have techniques to improve curb negative thoughts patterns, and the worry that...


Want To Break Free from Negative Thought Patterns, Stop Worrying and Learn to think more positively?  Then this course is for you!You will learn some new strategies and practices which will lead you to a happier more fulfilling life. You will have techniques to improve curb negative thoughts patterns, and the worry that comes from overthinking. The course uses proven techniques from Positive Psychology,...


Mindful Body, Peaceful Mind, Using The Alexander Technique

What is the Alexander Technique?The AT is a simple method that helps to identify unnecessary tension in your body during movement or thought, enabling you to change your postural habits and the environment in which pain has been created.It helps you to become more mindful of your movements and physical...


What is the Alexander Technique?The AT is a simple method that helps to identify unnecessary tension in your body during movement or thought, enabling you to change your postural habits and the environment in which pain has been created.It helps you to become more mindful of your movements and physical responses to stress and is a way to improve the...


Rivers And Mountains

This course will investigate five major rivers and five mountain/upland regions of the world. Each river or mountain/upland area will be a weekly stand-alone lecture covering 10 weeks. The river lectures will highlight basic hydrological principles and concentrate on significant river landforms and processes, as well as looking at the...


This course will investigate five major rivers and five mountain/upland regions of the world. Each river or mountain/upland area will be a weekly stand-alone lecture covering 10 weeks. The river lectures will highlight basic hydrological principles and concentrate on significant river landforms and processes, as well as looking at the anthropogenic use of these river systems. The mountain/upland case studies...
