Feb 01, 2024
Grant from CVS in partnership with Cheshire and Merseyside Cancer Alliance
We’re humbled to have been awarded a grant from CVS in partnership with Cheshire and Merseyside Cancer Alliance. CVS and Cheshire and Merseyside Cancer Alliance are working together to raise our cancer awareness.
Locally, CVS Cheshire East Website have secured funding to support the fabulous work voluntary and charity groups do to inform and educate their community.
This fund seeks to improve community awareness of cancer, early signs and symptoms and screening uptakes across Cheshire east.
It was wonderful to engage with Lucy Coates, Social Action Lead for Cheshire East at Cheshire and Merseyside Cancer Alliance today and hear more about what the Guild can do to support their initiatives. To quote Lucy “Don’t ignore something that isn’t normal for you” What a fab tag line – we pledge to support our teaching staff, volunteers and participants to talk openly about cancer in our setting.
Simply having conversations about health promotion could reduce the stigma and discrimination relating to cancer diagnosis. Improved earlier presentation of cancer symptoms at the GP’s will save lives.
Cheshire and Merseyside Cancer Alliance are committed to help improve cancer treatment and care for people across Merseyside and Cheshire. Bringing together organisations, patients and others affected by cancer to drive improvements in clinical outcomes and patients’ experience of the care and treatment they receive.
“Our long term ambition is to take every opportunity to prevent cancer and ensure outstanding cancer care is provided across Cheshire and Merseyside.” Website
If you or someone close to you have been affected by cancer and you’ve got questions, it is easy to call our Cancer
Research UK Nurses on Freephone 0808 800 4040