Modern Languages

Spanish Level 2

All CategoriesModern Languages

Course synopsis

This course is a continuation of the beginners class which is half way through Pasos 1 4th edition. We will continue to develop our vocabulary and understanding of grammar.

There will be opportunities for you to practise  your speaking, reading and  listening in order to build up your confident and to deal with everyday situation.

Textbook Pasos 1  4th edition

Book your place

Spring 2024/2025
Mondays, 17:00 - 19:00
Summer 2024/2025
Mondays, 17:00 - 19:00

About the teacher

Maria Angeles Rodriguez Monge

I was born and grew up in the village of Pozo Alcón (Jaén) in the South of
I graduated from the University of Granada with a...

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